- 20 พ.ย. 67
Thailand NRCA’s Digital Certificates Now Supported in Foxit Reader!
The Thailand NRCA project (National Root Certification Authority of Thailand), managed and operated under the Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA), has been dedicated to establishing trust in electronic services for over 15 years. In collaboration with Internet Thailand Public Company Limited, Thailand NRCA has secured recognition in the Foxit PDF Reader’s Approved Trust List (FALT), following its inclusion into the Adobe Approved Trust List in 2019. This inclusion means that digital certificates created under the Thailand NRCA program can now seamlessly be used in the Foxit PDF Reader from version 2024.3.0.66538 onwards.
Thailand NRCA is also actively working to join five other major Trust Stores: Chrome, Android, Mozilla, Apple, and Gmail. Join us in enhancing security and building trust on these platforms as we continue to expand the safety and reliability of electronic transactions across the digital ecosystem.